
This specification defines the intelligent information Request and Delivery Standard: iiRDS.

Status of This Document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document

This document is a "Request for Comments" (RfC). Readers are invited to review the document and send comments via the form available on https://iirds.tekom.de/request-for-comments.

Comments are open until December 31, 2017.

This document was published by the tekom Working Group Information 4.0.

1. Introduction

This section is non-normative.

1.1 About iiRDS

iiRDS (Intelligent Information Request and Delivery Standard) enables applications to exchange technical documentation across suppliers and devices.

The terms Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things have increasingly gained attention in the past few years. Both developments will considerably shape our life and work in the next years. In many areas, the actual hardware will become less important. Instead, information and services will determine most processes. For the communication between sensors, actors, and machines in general, standards like [OPC-UA], [AutomationML] and [RAMI4.0] have evolved. iiRDS makes technical documentation an integral part of Industry 4.0.

The manual written by a technical writer for a specific device or machine will be replaced by dynamic documentation that can be assembled according to application and context. Sensor values and status signals of the technical equipment will be embedded into this user assistance. That means that technical documentation is generated for a specific context in real time.

1.1.1 Dynamic documentation requires topics and metadata

For retrieving information units dynamically according to the usage scenario and context, we can no longer deliver document-based documentation, we have to deliver a bulk of single topics. In the old-fashioned manual, readers would know from context to which product, target group, or lifecycle phase a section was related to. If we replace the document with single-topic delivery, we need metadata that helps create this context and also lets both users and applications find the right topic for a particular usage scenario in a large amount of topics. Metadata provides context. Therefore, metadata needs to be part of the delivery, along with the content.

iiRDS strives to standardize the metadata that we deliver together with our documentation. This metadata makes our content semantically accessible. Only this way documentation content becomes exchangeable and usable for multiple manufacturers. iiRDS defines a taxonomy of information types and describes relations between information units as a basic ontology. Thus, iiRDS is a standard that provides a comprehensive vocabulary for technical documentation. For defining the metadata, iiRDS uses an RDF schema.

1.1.2 Standardized package format

For delivering documentation and metadata in one package, iiRDS provides a package format. A delivery package with technical documentation consists of content files (for example, in HTML or XML) and a control file with the RDF metadata.

1.1.3 No authoring standard

iiRDS wants to facilitate the exchange of technical documentation regardless of manufacturer or device. However, you do not need to write in iiRDS. As a company planning to deliver iiRDS-compliant content, you only have to make sure that with the delivery, the created documentation package conforms to iiRDS. For example, metadata for events could have a different name in your content management system. All that matters is that the event metadata is delivered in iiRDS format. The same holds for information modeled as metadata in iiRDS, but originally created as semantic XML elements during authoring. Example: The technical writer creates information about maintenance intervals or required tools as XML elements. During output generation, the information is additionally transformed into metadata for the corresponding topic.

iiRDS also does not control how content is displayed. If we want the content of different producers looks well, the content needs to be processed by an intelligent rendering application on the server or the receiving end.

1.1.4 Advantages

iiRDS means:

  • Metadata enables applications to find and assemble information according to information and content types.
  • A standardized delivery package consisting of RDF metadata and content files.
  • A standardized vocabulary for dynamic technical documentation, independent of manufacturer and product.

iiRDS enables:

  • Dynamic documentation that is assembled when it is needed and updated together with the system.
  • Personalized documentation instead of standard documents.
  • Display of information adapted to the end device (computer display, augmented reality glasses or smartwatch).
  • Adaptation of documentation to skills and qualification of users.

1.2 Who makes iiRDS?

iiRDS is developed by a working group of tekom, the German Association for Technical Communication. The working group started in 2016. Its members are university professors for technical communication as well specialists from CMS vendors, industrial and software companies, and consulting companies.

1.2.1 Contributors

Achim Steinacker (intelligent views), Andreas Günter (Trumpf), Edgar Hellfritsch (doctima), Jan Oevermann (ICMS), Joachim Weber (ZF), Judith Hallwachs (tekom), Jürgen Sapara (tecteam), Mark Schubert (parson), Markus Wiedenmaier (practice innovation), Martin Kreutzer (Empolis), Michael Fritz (tekom), Michael Schaffner (BIOS), Norbert Klinnert (noxum), Philipp Nanz (Docufy), Rainer Börsig (FCT), Ralf Haldimann (ABB), Ralf Robers (Siemens), Sebastian Göttel (SCHEMA), Stefan Gentz (Adobe), Stephan Steurer (ICMS), Sven Leukert (SAP), Torsten Kuprat (Acolada), Ulrike Parson (parson), Uwe Reißenweber (Docufy), Volker Römisch (noxum), Win Nuding (cognitas), Wolfgang Ziegler (Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences)

1.2.2 External Contributors

Elmar Baumgart (t3), Gregor Schiele (University of Duisburg-Essen), Jannik Bartsch (t3), John Walker (Semaku), Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa (Technical University of Madrid), Melanie Hieber (tekom), Roland Heidel (Kommunikationslösungen), Sebastian Bader (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Special thanks to all members of the tekom Working Group on Terminology

1.3 Target group

This specification describes the iiRDS standard and is provided for:

Readers require knowledge of metadata concepts, classification of technical documentation, as well as RDF.

2. iiRDS Package

Information is bundled and delivered in an iiRDS package. An iiRDS package contains the content that is the actual information, e.g text, video, etc., and metadata which describes the information, e.g. the intended audience, its scope, etc. An iiRDS package must be delivered using the iiRDS container format.

2.1 Metadata

The information is described through metadata. To support multiple content formats, metadata is stored separately. Through reference mechanisms, content parts such as a maintenance table in a service manual or a safety message in an instruction can be addressed and individually described by metadata. Metadata allows the appropriate information to be determined for a particular context (e.g. error message or 1,000h maintenance). For an iiRDS package, metadata must be defined using the iiRDS RDF Schema.

2.2 Content

The actual information (content) is contained in files encoding information in any form: as text, as graphics, as video, as audio, as a system configuration, as a patch, etc.

iiRDS exists in two variants: In the first one packages may contain any kind of content. In the second variant, only content according to some well-defined formats is allowed.

3. iiRDS Container Format

3.1 iiRDS Container

An iiRDS container is a directory structure that includes all files of an iiRDS package. An iiRDS container can be implemented in several ways such as an archive, a code repository, or a file system.

An iiRDS container has a single root directory.

3.1.1 Naming files and directories

For file and directory names, all Unicode characters [UNICODE] are allowed apart from the following characters:

  • /,”*:<,>\
  • the DEL character (U+007F)
  • characters from the ranges U+0000 to U+001F and U+0080 to U+009F
  • characters from the private use Unicode areas

File names are case-sensitive and must be unique within their parent directories. The length of file names is limited to 255 characters. Full path names (file names including the full directory path from the root) must not exceed 260 characters).

Limits have been chosen based on limits of commonly used file systems.

3.1.2 Metadata location

An iiRDS container must have a directory META-INF. The directory is exclusively used for meta information on the iiRDS package and its contents.

The META-INF directory must contain the file metadata.rdf containing all metadata in RDF 1.1 XML syntax (see [rdf-syntax-grammar]). In future releases, additional meta files might go here. Processing applications should ignore any other files in the META-INF directory.

Editor's note

iiRDS supports RDF in XML serialization. The standard aims to support other serializations in the future.

3.1.3 Content location

All other files (content, like PDF, HTML, media, Javascript, CSS) must be stored in arbitrary descendant directories below the root directory. No file shall be placed in the root directory or in META-INF directory.

3.2 iiRDS Zip Archive

An iiRDS zip archive is an iiRDS container implementation using a zip archive, e.g. for transportation and exchange between systems. The iiRDS zip archive is the default implementation of the iiRDS container, all processing applications must support.

3.2.1 Mimetype of iiRDS

iiRDS zip archives are associated with the MIME type application/iirds+zip.

Media type application/iirds+zip has not yet been registered at IANA, see http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml.

The zip archive file format is defined in [ZIP].

In addition to the iiRDS container specifications, the root directory of the zip must contain a file named mimetype. It contains the text


ASCII encoded, in a single line, without any line delimiters such as CR or LF.

The file must be the first entry in the zip and it must be stored uncompressed (“Stored” mode). This allows file type detection of iiRDS zip archives by magic pattern matching, without the need to unpack the zip archive and analyze the contents of the file in detail.

3.2.2 Content encoding

In the zip archive, all file and directory names are UTF-8 encoded according to zip specifications [ZIP].

iiRDS zip archive

Figure 1 iiRDS Container Structure (iiRDS zip archive)

All other files in the zip are either uncompressed (“Stored” compression mode) or compressed in “Deflated” mode. The zip archive may use the ZIP64™ extension [ZIP] if required (file size > 4 GB or more than 65536 file entries).

The iiRDS zip archive must not be encrypted.

4. The iiRDS Metadata Model in the RDF Schema

4.1 Glossary

4.2 Scope of the RDF Schema

The iiRDS RDF schema contains standardized metadata terms describing technical documentation. The metadata allows for an exchange of technical documentation between distributed services and cyber-physical systems. Metadata for technical documentation comprises for example:

The metadata describes both product-specific properties and properties of the information itself. Based on the metadata, iiRDS Consumers can find specific information and filter documentation variants. Because each company has a different product structure and uses other variant-determining factors, iiRDS focuses on metadata describing the information itself. To enable iiRDS Creators to plug in their specific product and component metadata, the iiRDS schema provides docking points for other ontologies.

iiRDS does not stipulate rules for authoring technical documentation but provides a standardized vocabulary for describing technical documentation in output formats like HTML, webhelp, or PDF. The granularity of delivered documentation may vary largely – from a document to a single fragment within a topic. Also, the classification methods that authors apply when writing the documentation content may vary considerably.

iiRDS follows the principle of “describing what there is” instead of enforcing relations between specific types of metadata or building up a detailed taxonomy tree. For example, iiRDS models documentation subjects and product-lifecycle phases as separate metadata. In XML authoring environments, some subjects like a maintenance plan would be tied to a product-lifecycle phase and could not be used for topics that do not belong to that phase. iiRDS does not enforce this relation in order to cover content from authoring processes that are not that highly structured.

According to the principles of linked data, some iiRDS data structures refer to existing vocabularies like the Dublin Core rather than defining own structures in the iiRDS domain. For example, the Dublin Core contributor specifies the organization or person responsible for the technical documentation. The Dublin Core format specifies the format of the content.

The iiRDS vocabulary uses the following identifiers:

4.3 Main Classes of the iiRDS Metadata

iiRDS metadata provides the following main classes:

4.3.1 InformationUnits and Information Types Subclasses of InformationUnit

The InformationUnit is an abstract base class for chunks of technical information. iiRDS Generators shall not use the InformationUnit class directly but shall use one of the subclasses to assign metadata to content. The class InformationUnit has the following subclasses:

  • Document: A collection of information for an audience and a specific purpose. Examples of documents are Maintenance Manuals, Operation Instructions, and Sales Catalogs.

  • Topic: A self-contained chunk of information. A topic deals with a single subject. A reader requires no additional information to understand a topic. Examples of topics are a task about turning on a mobile phone or a list of all UI elements of a computer program.

  • Fragment: A small chunk of information. A reader requires additional context to understand a fragment. Examples of fragments are a hazard statement or an exploded view drawing of a pump.

  • Package: A collection of InformationUnits bundled with the corresponding metadata and relation within the package. A Package is organized in a directory structure, which is packed as a standard compliant ZIP archive. A Package is used to deliver generated documentation output to servers or iiRDS Consumers. Packages may have metadata, describing their identity and origin.

The subclasses Document, Topic, and Fragment represent sets of metadata for chunks of technical information. Document, Topic, and Fragment may reference a physical file or a part of a file in the iiRDS package. But Document, Topic, and Fragment can also model abstract entities without a physical file in the iiRDS package. For example, a Document may reference a DirectoryStructure with topics that form an Operation Instruction but may not reference a single physical file directly.

InformationUnits have the following properties:

  • rdf:about: Shall be used to identify an InformationUnit in the iiRDS package. If no meaningful identifier is available for the InformationUnit, then a blank node may be used.
  • iirds:title: Shall be used for the title of a Document or Topic. May be used for the title of a Fragment.
  • iirds:dateOfCreation
  • iirds:language
  • iirds:rights: Information about rights held in and over the resource
  • iirds:identifier: iiRDS Creators may use the identifier to assign additional IDs to documents and topics. Types of Documents and Topics

In order to support user searches for specific types of information, iiRDS provides standardized document and topic types:

  • Instances of the Document class shall have one or more relations to one of the standardized DocumentTypes defined in InformationType > DocumentType. Examples are transport instructions, repair instructions, or assembly instructions. More than one relation to a DocumentType makes sense for documents with mixed content, for example, a combined document for both transport and assembly instructions.
  • All instances of the InformationUnit subclasses may have one or more relations to one of the standardized TopicTypes defined in InformationType > TopicType. Examples are task, concept, and learning. TopicType may also be used for fragments, for example, to categorize parts of documents that do not belong to one of the standard document types.
  • Instances of the Topic and Fragment classes may have a relation of type iirds:applicable-for-document-type to one of the standardized DocumentTypes defined in InformationType > DocumentType. For example, a Topic can be categorized for use in operation instructions and quick reference guides. InformationUnit Identifier

The subclasses of InformationUnit contain instances that assign metadata to chunks of technical documentation. The property rdf:about identifies these instances.

The IRI of rdf:about should be absolute. Additionally, the iiRDS group recommends the following:

  • Keep the IRI of rdf:about globally unique.
  • Keep the IRI of rdf:about stable over packages and time if the IRI identifies the same subject.
  • If the source system provides a meaningful identifier such as a unique ID from the CMS, use it to generate an IRI for rdf:about.
Example 1: A topic with a globally unique resource identifier.
<iirds:Topic rdf:about="https://myCompany.com/iiRDS/myPackage/2017-07-22/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000">
Example 2: A fragment with a globally unique resource identifier.
<iirds:Fragment rdf:about="urn:uuid:6e8bc430-9c3a-11d9-9669-0800200c9a66">
</iirds:Fragment> Content References of Information Units

InformationUnits are abstract entities that assign metadata to content. Renditions of the content are stored as files in an iiRDS package. To assign metadata to a rendition, an InformatioUnit references files. Additionally, an InformatioUnit may reference parts within a file. Reference to File

To reference a file, iiRDS provides the property iirds:has-rendition for the class iirds:InformationUnit and its subclasses iirds:Document, iirds:Topic, and iirds:Fragment. The property iirds:has-rendition points from an instance of these subclasses to iirds:Rendition. iirds:Rendition represents the physical file in the package. To identify the physical file, the property iirds:source points from the rendition to the URL of the physical file. The URL is relative to the root folder of the iiRDS package.

Example 3: A fragment with reference to a file
<iirds:Topic rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/iiRDS/myProject/myPackage/topic_1">

The example above shows a topic that references a file.

Editor's note

An information unit can reference multiple files with multiple iirds:has-rendition properties. Reference by Selector

To reference parts of a file, iiRDS provides the class iirds:Selector. The property iirds:has-selector points from iirds:Rendition to an iirds:Selector. iirds:Rendition shall not directly use iirds:Selector but shall use one of its subclasses to reference parts of a file. The class iirds:Selector has the following subclasses:

  • iirds:FragmentSelector
    Selects a part of a file by a single identifier.
  • iirds:RangeSelector
    Selects a range in a file by a start and an end identifier.

To select parts of a file, a selector has an rdf:value. That value shall conform to an established standard. The selector references an established standard by the property dcterms:conformsTo. For a list of fragment selectors, see https://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-model/#fragment-selector. Reference by FragmentSelector

The iirds:FragmentSelector points to a single identifier in a file, for example, a page in a PDF. Depending on the file format and the associated standard, a single identifier of a fragment selector may select a range in a file. For example, the Media Fragments URI allows to reference a time range.

The following example shows a topic that references a chapter in an XML file by fragment selector.

Example 4: A topic with reference to a fragment of a file
<iirds:Topic rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/iiRDS/myProject/myPackage/topic_1">
                    <dcterms:conformsTo rdf:resource="http://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3023"/>

The following example shows a topic that references a time range in an audio file. The topic assigns metadata to a time range in the file Spoken_Words_456.wav. The time range starts at 90 seconds and continues up to 210 seconds of play time.

Example 5: A topic with reference to a range in an audio file
<iirds:Topic rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/iiRDS/myProject/myPackage/audio_7654">
                    <dcterms:conformsTo rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/"/>
</iirds:Topic> Reference by RangeSelector

The iirds:RangeSelector points to a range in a file by referencing a start and end selector. An iiRDS application can use the range selector to identify a range in a file if the file format or the associated standard do not allow to select a range directly. The range selector references the start selector and end selector by the properties iirds:has-start-selector and iirds:has-end-selector.

The following example illustrates how to select a range in a PDF. As the application/pdf Media Type standard allows only to reference a single page or named destination in a PDF file, an iiRDS application can use the iirds:RangeSelector to define the start and end point. The following topic references multiple pages in a PDF file. The page range starts at page 10 and ends at page 17. The page range includes page 10 but not page 17.

Example 6: A topic with reference to a part of a file
<iirds:Topic rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/iiRDS/myProject/myPackage/my_manual">
                            <dcterms:conformsTo rdf:resource="http://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3778"/>
                            <dcterms:conformsTo rdf:resource="http://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3778"/>
</iirds:Topic> Multiple File References

An information unit may have multiple physical renditions in an iiRDS package. For example, an iiRDS package may contain a topic as an XML file and as a published HTML file. For each rendition, an information unit may reference the whole file or select a part or range.

To reference multiple renditions, an information unit may have multiple iirds:has-rendition properties.

The following example shows a topic that references a DITA XML file and the published PDF representation.

Example 7: A fragment with reference to a file
<iirds:Topic rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/iiRDS/myProject/myPackage/topic_1">
</iirds:Topic> Information Subjects

Subjects narrow down the purpose of a chunk of information and help users to find suitable information for a specific purpose. The iiRDS subjects represent typical information types and usage scenarios for technical documentation.

iiRDS provides subclasses for typical groups of subjects. Examples are:

  • Collection: Lists and overviews generated by iiRDS Consumers from functional metadata like operating supplies, tools, and spare parts
  • Conformity: Information related to standard and guidelines, e.g. applicable standards, declaration of conformity.
  • Formality: Information identifying the product and the manufacturer, e.g. contact information, product identification, and scope of delivery.
  • Process: Process-related information.
  • Safety: Safety-related information, such as intended use, safety equipment, and warning notice.
  • TechnicalData: Technical properties such as dimensions and connection voltage.
  • TechnicalOverview: Technical information such as circuit diagrams, flow diagrams, software interfaces, or software architecture overviews.

iiRDS Generators shall use the has-subject relation for assigning subjects to InformationUnits. An InformationUnit may have one or more subjects assigned. This enables applications to assign metadata to content of different granularity – whereas a topic usually deals with one subject only, a document may cover several. Relations of InformationUnits

iiRDS Generators may assign relation properties to InformationUnits. For example, the relation properties can describe if the content is suitable for a specific target group, belongs to a specific product lifecycle phase or requires specific tools. The relation properties point to objects in DocumentationMetadata and InformationSubject. With this metadata, iiRDS Consumers can retrieve chunks of information for specific contexts or user roles, assemble lists of required material, or filter content according to products.

All relations are optional and not enforced by the RDF schema.

The main relations are:

  • relates-to-event: Describes a relation to a specific event. Events may be defined by error codes, for example. With this relation, iiRDS Consumers can retrieve instructions regarding specific events and present them to the user.

  • relates-to-product-metadata: Describes the relation to a specific product, component, product life-cycle phase, or product feature. This relation enables iiRDS Consumers to filter and retrieve information for specific product-related properties.

  • has-subject: Describes the subject of the InformationUnit. Subjects narrow down the purpose of a chunk of information and help users to find suitable information for a specific purpose. The iiRDS subjects represent information types and usage scenarios for technical documentation. Examples of subjects are maintenance plans, the scope of supply, or license information.

  • requires-supply: Describes the relation to required specific tools, spare parts, or other supplies. Supplies are defined in DocumentationMetadata > FunctionalMetadata > Supplies. With relations from content to supplies, iiRDS Consumers can retrieve and summarize required supplies for specific tasks. For example, a service application can create a list of spare parts and tools for selected tasks.

  • requires-qualification: Describes qualifications that represent professional skills, training certificates, or vocational qualifications of the target audience of a technical documentation. For example, some documents or topics are only intended for service technicians whereas others may also be shown to operators or end users of a product. With this relation, iiRDS Consumers can filter and select topics for specific target audiences. As qualifications are industry- or company-specific, the subclasses SkillLevel and Role in DocumentationMetadata > FunctionalMetadata represent docking points for application-specific subclasses.

  • requires-time: Describes the duration or interval of tasks of the InformationUnit. The different time periods are modeled in DocumentationMetadata > FunctionalMetadata > PlanningTime. Examples are working time, downtime of machines during a specific task, or service intervals for machines. With relations from content to intervals and durations, iiRDS Consumers can calculate downtimes for a set of tasks or overviews of service intervals for a set of components. Media Files in iiRDS

iiRDS represents media files as instances of information units. As iiRDS is not file-centered but content-centered, a media file is modeled depending on its actual content. For example, a media file that contains a single self-contained piece of information is modeled as an iirds:Topic. The topics rendition and mime type identify it as a media file.

The following example shows a topic that is stored as an mpeg file.

Example 8: Topic that is stored as an `mpeg` file
<iirds:Topic rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/iiRDS/myProject/myPackage/topic_879">
            <iirds:has-source rdf:resource="rendition/intro.mpeg"/>

If a media file is not self-contained and requires the context of another file, iiRDS models the media file as an iirds:Fragment. The following example shows a fragment that is rendered as an image in an HTML page.

Example 9: Fragment rendered as an image in an HTML page
<iirds:Fragment rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/iiRDS/myProject/myPackage/topic_786">
            <iirds:has-source rdf:resource="rendition/general_concepts.html"/>
                    <dcterms:conformsTo rdf:resource="http://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3023"/>

4.4 Documentation Metadata

iiRDS DocumentationMetadata describes the relevance of the content and also additional requirements related to the content.

iiRDS distinguishes between FunctionalMetadata and ProductMetadata:

iiRDS Generators may fill the DocumentationMetadata with values from the source files.

iiRDS focuses on providing a vocabulary for metadata that can be standardized across branches of industry and types of documentation. For this reason, some DocumentationMetadata represents only docking points for plugging in company- or industry-specific ontologies. Examples are Product and Component. Also, the defined product-lifecycle phases may be extended by industry-specific subclasses.

4.4.1 Functional Metadata

iiRDS Consumers can use FunctionalMetadata for advanced content delivery scenarios. With functional metadata, an application can assemble a maintenance plan, generate maintenance schedules, or calculate the downtime of machines based on repair and maintenance tasks. Authors may add this information in semantic elements or specialized metadata in the source data. For example, in DITA an author may use the semantic element <supplies> in the machinery task.

FunctionalMetadata is optional. The following subclasses are available:

  • Event: Represents events in the technical equipment. For example, errors, malfunctions, or warnings. Instances of the Event class shall have 2 properties: eventCode and eventType. iiRDS Generators may use the iiRDS Event class to link documentation content with event information code according to OPC-UA. To assign event information to an InformationUnit, iiRDS Generators shall use the relates-to-event relation.

  • Supplies: Describes tools, spare parts, and supplies required for a task or mentioned in the content. For assigning supplies information to an InformationUnit, iiRDS Generators shall use the requires-supply relation.

  • PlanningTime: Describes time intervals or durations. Examples are downtime of machines during maintenance or service, working time for a specific task, or maintenance intervals for components. To assign time information to an InformationUnit, iiRDS Generators shall use the requires-time relation.

  • Qualification: Describes industry- or company-specific vocational qualifications, certificates, training, and roles. iiRDS does not standardize skill levels, certificates, job descriptions or roles because the terms may vary largely between countries and industries. iiRDS Generators shall use the requires-qualification relation for assigning qualification information to content. iiRDS Consumers may use this information to filter content according to the qualification of the logged-in user.

4.4.2 Product Metadata

ProductMetadata contains classes for storing information on products, components, lifecycle phases, and product features. As this kind of information is highly dependent on the industry and company for which the documentation is intended, iiRDS does not provide any standardized subclasses below Product, Component, and ProductFeature. These classes serve as docking points for industry- or company-specific ontologies. Examples are product taxonomies from product data management systems or component diagrams from engineering.

Technical authors use product metadata to distinguish between documentation for different product variants. For this reason, iiRDS Consumers can use this metadata to filter or assemble content according to products, features, and components.

iiRDS provides some standardized subclasses for standard product lifecycle phases.

iiRDS Generators shall use the relates-to-product-metadata relation to assign ProductMetadata to InformationUnits.

4.5 Products and Components in iiRDS

iiRDS models products and components as metadata for technical documentation. As metadata, an iirds:Component or iirds:ProductVariant may have a relation to the physical product or component but they do not represent it. For example, an iirds:Component does not have a weight. Products and components are mere labels for information units.

The property iirds:relates-to-product-metadata can point from an information unit to an instance of iirds:Component and iirds:ProductVariant. The instances shall be part of a proprietary iiRDS extension.

4.5.1 Component Trees in the Package

iiRDS allows to model component trees as part of an iiRDS package. The property iirds:has-component defines part-of relations for products and their components. The component tree is a proprietary iiRDS extension, it shall be stored in the metadata.rdf of the iiRDS package.

The following example shows a simple product tree. The espresso machine has multiple components that also consist of other components. For example, the group head has a shower and a gasket.

Example 10: Product tree of an expresso machine
<iirds:Component rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/iirds/myProject/myPackage#EspressoMachine">
    <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Espresso machine</rdfs:label>
    <iirds:has-component rdf:resource="http://myCompany.com/iirds/myProject/myPackage#Portafilter"/>
    <iirds:has-component rdf:resource="http://myCompany.com/iirds/myProject/myPackage#Grouphead"/>

<iirds:Component rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/iirds/myProject/myPackage#Portafilter">
    <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Portafilter</rdfs:label>

<iirds:Component rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/iirds/myProject/myPackage#Grouphead">
    <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Grouphead</rdfs:label>
    <iirds:has-component rdf:resource="http://myCompany.com/iirds/myProject/myPackage#Gasket"/>
    <iirds:has-component rdf:resource="http://myCompany.com/iirds/myProject/myPackage#Shower"/>

<iirds:Component rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/iirds/myProject/myPackage#Gasket">
    <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Gasket</rdfs:label>

<iirds:Component rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/iirds/myProject/myPackage#Shower">
    <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Shower</rdfs:label>

iiRDS does not differentiate between components and products when modeling component trees.

4.5.2 External Product Ontology

In addition to a component tree within a package, some parties may have a full-fledged external product ontology. While iiRDS product metadata represents metadata labels for information units, the products and components in the external product ontology may represent the physical items. A proprietary iiRDS extension can map the metadata labels in the package to the external product ontology. The product ontology does not need to be an iiRDS-compliant ontology and may use another vocabulary than RDF and RDFS.

An iiRDS package shall not use an external product ontology directly. If an external product ontology is available and used in the iiRDS package, then the iiRDS package shall contain components as instances of iirds:Component. iirds:has-component relations are optional.

The following example shows an external product ontology.

Example 11: External product ontology
    Declares dcterms properties as object properties. 
    Otherwise they cannot be used in class restrictions. 
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="http://purl.org/dc/terms/isPartOf">
    <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#TransitiveProperty" />

<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart">
    <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#TransitiveProperty" />
    <owl:inverseOf rdf:resource="http://purl.org/dc/terms/isPartOf" />

    The component tree is modelled with restrictions on hasPart. 
    An espresso machine can only have the parts Portafilter and Grouphead. 
<rdfs:Class rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/iirds/externalProductWorld#EspressoMachine">
            <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart"/>
                    <owl:unionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
                        <owl:Class rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/iirds/externalProductWorld#Portafilter" />
                        <owl:Class rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/iirds/externalProductWorld#Grouphead" />                        </owl:unionOf>
<rdfs:Class rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/iirds/externalProductWorld#Portafilter"/>

    A grouphead can only have parts Shower and Gasket. 
<rdfs:Class rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/iirds/externalProductWorld#Grouphead">
            <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart"/>
                    <owl:unionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
                        <owl:Class rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/iirds/externalProductWorld#Shower" />
                        <owl:Class rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/iirds/externalProductWorld#Gasket" />                        </owl:unionOf>

<rdfs:Class rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/iirds/externalProductWorld#Shower"/>

<rdfs:Class rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/iirds/externalProductWorld#Gasket"/>

To map the component tree in the iiRDS package to the external product ontology, a mapping ontology may use the property rdfs:seeAlso.

Editor's note

The property rdfs:seeAlso shall point from the instance of the component in the iiRDS package to the external product ontology. The property rdfs:seeAlso may be part of the file metadata.rdf in the iiRDS package or part of the external product ontology.

The following example shows a mapping ontology that combines the component tree of metadata labels in the package with the component tree in the external product ontology.

Example 12: Mapping ontology combining metadata lables in the package with an external ontology
<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/iirds/myProject/myPackage#EspressoMachine">
    <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="http://myCompany.com/iirds/externalProductWorld#EspressoMachine"/>

<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/iirds/myProject/myPackage#Portafilter">
    <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="http://myCompany.com/iirds/externalProductWorld#Portafilter"/>

<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/iirds/myProject/myPackage#Grouphead">
    <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="http://myCompany.com/iirds/externalProductWorld#Grouphead"/>

<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/iirds/myProject/myPackage#Shower">
    <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="http://myCompany.com/iirds/externalProductWorld#Shower"/>

<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/iirds/myProject/myPackage#Gasket">
    <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="http://myCompany.com/iirds/externalProductWorld#Gasket"/>

The following figure illustrates the mapping of a component tree in the iiRDS package to the external product ontology. Mapping of external product ontology

4.5.3 Product Variants

Product variants may be more than just the used components. For example, an identical combination of components may be configured in multiple ways and sold as variants of the same product. iiRDS provides the class iirds:ProductVariant to extend the iiRDS core and add proprietary product variants. Just like components, product variants are metadata labels for information units and do not represent a physical product. As product variants are a proprietary iiRDS extension, they shall be stored in the metadata.rdf of the iiRDS package.

The following example shows a definition of a proprietary product variant:

Example 13: Definition of a proprietary product variant
<iirds:ProductVariant rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/iirds/myProject/myPackage#FreshDelightE61">
    <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Fresh Delight E61</rdfs:label>

To map product variants in the iiRDS package to an external product ontology, a mapping ontology may use the property rdfs:seeAlso. The mapping is similar to the mapping of a component tree, see External Component Trees.

4.5.5 iiRDS Domains and Proprietary Extensions

  • iiRDS domain extensions: Provide a standardized vocabulary for specific domains, for example, iiRDS Machinery Domain. All classes and instances of an iiRDS domain are registered in a dedicated sub-namespace of the iiRDS core namespace.
  • Proprietary iiRDS extensions: iiRDS supports proprietary iiRDS extensions for company-specific and project-specific instances and classes. For example, a proprietary iiRDS extension may map a product ontology to the iiRDS core vocabulary. A proprietary iiRDS extension shall comply with the standard to allow standardized processing by iiRDS Consumers.

The iiRDS standard provides each iiRDS domain extension as a separate file. A party that generates or processes an iiRDS package can combine iiRDS domains and proprietary iiRDS extensions. All extensions that are used in a package shall be contained in the metadata.rdf file in the iiRDS package. iiRDS Domain Extensions

iiRDS domain extensions provide additional classes and instances that extend the iiRDS core vocabulary. By separating domain-specific vocabulary from the core vocabulary, the standard aims to keep the iiRDS core vocabulary lean and easily accessible.

Instances and classes of iiRDS domain extensions reside in sub-namespaces of iiRDS. Currently, iiRDS provides the following iiRDS domain extensions: Combination of iiRDS Core and Domain Vocabulary

The iiRDS standard does not stipulate how to combine iiRDS core vocabulary with extension vocabulary. Depending on the project requirements, the implementation can use existing frameworks to merge the vocabularies. For example, the JENA command line tool riot can read multiple input files and write them to one merged ontology file.

A tool-independent way of combining ontologies is the OWL import statement. The following example illustrates how to import the iiRDS Software Domain into another ontology.

Example 15: Importing an iiRDS domain into another ontology
    <owl:imports rdf:resource="file:/yourMachine/yourFolder/iiRDS_Software_Domain.rdfs"/>

See also, OWL Imports. Proprietary iiRDS Extensions

Proprietary iiRDS extensions allow for adding proprietary vocabulary to iiRDS vocabulary. Proprietary iiRDS extensions can contain project specific-instances, classes, and properties. For example, the company-specific products and roles may be added as instances to iiRDS classes.

A proprietary iiRDS extension only complies with iiRDS if it fulfills the following conditions:

  • Proprietary classes, instances, and properties shall be registered to the namespace of the defining party.
  • The defining party shall provide the proprietary iiRDS extension to other parties if said other parties are expected to process the proprietary classes and instances.
  • Proprietary classes shall be subclasses or equivalent classes of existing iiRDS classes.
  • Proprietary instances shall be instances of existing iiRDS classes or subclasses. Proprietary instances may also be instances of a subclass or equivalent class of an iiRDS class.
  • Proprietary properties shall be sub-properties of existing properties.
Editor's note

iiRDS limits itself to RDF and RDFS. Proprietary iiRDS extensions shall only use RDF and RDFS vocabulary in their extension ontology. If OWL DL is used in an additional ontology, then the ontology is not iiRDS-compliant but can be mapped to the iiRDS vocabulary by means of the seeAlso property. For details read section External Product Ontology. Adding a Proprietary Instance

Proprietary iiRDS extensions can add instances directly as an instance of an iiRDS class. The following example adds the proprietary instance ServiceTechnician to the iiRDS class iirds:Role.

Example 16: Adding a proprietary instance to iiRDS class
<rdf:RDF xml:lang="de" xmlns:iirds="http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#"
    <iirds:Role rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/myProject#ServiceTechnician">
        <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Service Technician
        <rdfs:label xml:lang="de">Servicetechniker
</rdf:RDF> Adding a Proprietary Class

Proprietary iiRDS extensions can add classes directly as subclasses to an iiRDS class. The following example adds the proprietary class Error to the iiRDS class iirds:Event as a subclass. A proprietary implementation can add proprietary instances to the Error class and find them by searching for instances of the iirds:Event class.

Example 17: Adding a proprietary instance to an iiRDS class as a subclass
<rdf:RDF xml:lang="de" xmlns:iirds="http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#"
    <rdfs:Class rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/myProject#Error">
        <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Error
        <rdfs:label xml:lang="de">Fehler
        <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Event"/>

Proprietary iiRDS extensions can add proprietary classes as equivalent classes. The property rdfs:subClassOf can express equivalence of classes. The following example shows the equivalent classes iirds:Component and my:ProductPart.

Example 18: Adding a proprietary class as an equivalent class
<rdfs:Class rdf:about="http://myCompany.com/myProject#ProductPart">
    <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Component"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Component">
    <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="http://myCompany.com/myProject#ProductPart"/>
</rdf:Description> Adding a Proprietary Property

Proprietary iiRDS extensions can add proprietary properties as a subproperty of an iiRDS property. Proprietary properties shall comply with domain and range of the iiRDS property. The following example shows a proprietary property that points from iirds:InformationUnit to iirds:ProductLifeCyclePhase.

Example 19: Adding a proprietary property as a subproperty of an iiRDS property
<rdf:Property rdf:about="http://www.myCompany.com/iirds/myExtension#relates-to-product-life-cycle-phase">
    <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#relates-to-product-metadata"/>
    <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#InformationUnit"/>
    <rdfs:range rdf:resource="http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#ProductLifeCyclePhase"/>

4.6 iiRDS RDF Schema Reference

4.6.1 Core Class Definitions


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#AfterUse
Type of Term: Class
Label: After use
Sub Class Of: ProductLifeCyclePhase
Description: Not intended to be used directly. Use the subclasses instead. For life cycle phases not covered by the iiRDS standard subclasses, define custom subclasses.
Definition: Parent class for iiRDS standard definitions of product life cycle phases that occur after the active use of the product.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Collection
Type of Term: Class
Label: Collection
Sub Class Of: InformationSubject


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Component
Type of Term: Class
Label: Component
Sub Class Of: ProductMetadata
Description: Components may have relations to other components so that iiRDS compilers can build up a simply component hierarchy with iiRDS structures. The iirds#Component may also be used as a docking point for external component definitions.
Definition: Describes a component of the technical system that the documentation refers to


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Concept
Type of Term: Class
Label: Concept
Sub Class Of: TopicType
Description: Conceptual information helps users to map their existing knowledge to tasks and other essential information about a product or system.Shall only be assigned to information units of type "Topic".
Definition: Class of topic types that provide background that helps readers understand essential information about a product, interface, or task.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Conformity
Type of Term: Class
Label: Conformity
Sub Class Of: InformationSubject


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#DesignAndRealization
Type of Term: Class
Label: Design and realization
Sub Class Of: ProductLifeCyclePhase
Description: Not intended to be used directly. Use the subclasses instead. For life cycle phases not covered by the iiRDS standard subclasses, define custom subclasses.
Definition: Parent class for subclasses that describe product life cycle phases related to the design, construction, and realization of a product


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#DirectoryNode
Type of Term: Class
Label: Directory node
Sub Class Of: iirdsDomainEntitiy
Description: A directory is a tree-like, ordered collection of information units.Directory nodes are the entries in the directory. Directories help the user to navigate through the information units. A table of contents is a typical example of a directory.
Definition: A node in a directory


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#DirectoryNodeType
Type of Term: Class
Label: Directory node type
Sub Class Of: InformationType
Description: A directory represented by a directory root node and its sub nodes has a type such as 'table of contens' or 'list of figures'.
Definition: Directory type


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Document
Type of Term: Class
Label: Document
Sub Class Of: InformationUnit
Description: A document consists of one or more files. It can be made up from topics. The resource is either a blank node (when there is not a file representing the document) or a file in the iiRDS package.
Definition: A unit of information in an iiRDS package making up a complete document.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#DocumentationMetadata
Type of Term: Class
Label: Documentation metadata
Sub Class Of: iirdsDomainEntitiy
Description: Not intended to be used directly. Use the subclasses instead.
Definition: Parent class for functional metadata and product metadata


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#DocumentType
Type of Term: Class
Label: Document type
Sub Class Of: InformationType
Description: Document types define the intended purpose of a document.
Definition: The type of a document.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#DownTime
Type of Term: Class
Label: Down time
Sub Class Of: PlanningTime
Definition: Type of planning time: Period of time during which a technical system is stopped, especially during setup for an operation or when making repairs.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Event
Type of Term: Class
Label: Event
Sub Class Of: FunctionalMetadata
Description: Examples are errors, malfunctions, and warnings. Use the relates-to-event property to create a reference from an information unit to an event.
Definition: Describes events that happen in the technical system


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Form
Type of Term: Class
Label: Form
Sub Class Of: TopicType


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Formality
Type of Term: Class
Label: Formality
Sub Class Of: InformationSubject


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Fragment
Type of Term: Class
Label: Fragment
Sub Class Of: InformationUnit
Description: Sections, tables, lists, paragraphs and hazard statement are examples of fragments. Fragments are usually parts of topic or document files in an iiRDS package identified by a fragment identifier in the IRI.
Definition: A piece of information within a document of topic.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#FragmentSelector
Type of Term: Class
Label: Fragment selector
Sub Class Of: Selector
Definition: Points to a fragment in a physical resource.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Functionality
Type of Term: Class
Label: Functionality
Sub Class Of: InformationSubject


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#FunctionalMetadata
Type of Term: Class
Label: Functional metadata
Sub Class Of: DocumentationMetadata
Description: Not intended to be used directly. Use the subclasses instead.
Definition: Parent class for metadata supporting advanced content delivery scenarios and content assemblies for specific purposes.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#iirdsDomainEntitiy
Type of Term: Class
Label: iirdsDomainEntitiy
Description: Not intended to be used directly. Use the subclasses instead.
Definition: An entity of the iiRDS domain


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#InformationSubject
Type of Term: Class
Label: Information subject
Sub Class Of: InformationType


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#InformationType
Type of Term: Class
Label: Information type
Sub Class Of: iirdsDomainEntitiy
Description: Not indented to be used directly.
Definition: Type of information. Abstract base class of document and topic type.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#InformationUnit
Type of Term: Class
Label: Information unit
Sub Class Of: iirdsDomainEntitiy
Description: Not intended to be used directly. Use the subclasses Package, Document, Topic, and Fragment instead.
Definition: A unit of information. An Information unit is the abstract base class of information units, such as packages, documents, topics, and fragments.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Learning
Type of Term: Class
Label: Learning
Sub Class Of: TopicType
Description: Learning content may comprise learning plans, learning objectives, learning content details, summaries, and assessments.Shall only be assigned to information units of type "Topic".
Definition: Class of topic types for learning. Learning content may comprise learning plans, learning objectives, learning content details, summaries, and assessments.Shall only be assigned to information units of type "Topic".


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#MaintenanceInterval
Type of Term: Class
Label: Maintenance interval
Sub Class Of: PlanningTime
Definition: Type of planning time: Fixed time interval for the scheduled maintenance of a technical system or its parts.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#nil
Type of Term: Class
Label: End of Directory node
Sub Class Of: DirectoryNode
Definition: The end in a chain of directory nodes


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Package
Type of Term: Class
Label: Package
Sub Class Of: InformationUnit
Description: There is exactly one Package instance within an iiRDS package. It holds general metadata on the overall iiRDS package. A blank node or the relative resource IRI “#” must be used for the package.
Definition: A set of information in terms of documents and topics with its metadata


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#PlanningTime
Type of Term: Class
Label: Planning time
Sub Class Of: FunctionalMetadata
Description: Not intended to be used directly. Use the subclasses instead.
Definition: Parent class for different types of planning times that may be referenced in technical documentation. Planning times describe periods of time required for or resulting from specific working tasks.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Process
Type of Term: Class
Label: Process
Sub Class Of: InformationSubject


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#ProductFeature
Type of Term: Class
Label: Product feature
Sub Class Of: ProductMetadata


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#ProductLifeCyclePhase
Type of Term: Class
Label: Phase of product life cycle
Sub Class Of: ProductMetadata
Description: Not intended to be used directly. Use the subclasses instead.
Definition: Parent class for standardized product life cycle phases that technical documentation may refer to


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#ProductMetadata
Type of Term: Class
Label: ProductMetadata
Sub Class Of: DocumentationMetadata
Description: Not intended to be used directly. Use the subclasses instead.
Definition: Parent class for product-related metadata


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#ProductVariant
Type of Term: Class
Label: Product variant
Sub Class Of: ProductMetadata


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#PuttingToUse
Type of Term: Class
Label: Putting to use
Sub Class Of: ProductLifeCyclePhase
Description: Not intended to be used directly. Use the subclasses instead. For life cycle phases not covered by the iiRDS standard subclasses, define custom subclasses.
Definition: Parent class for subclasses that describe product life cycle phases related to putting a product or technical system to use


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Qualification
Type of Term: Class
Label: Qualification
Sub Class Of: FunctionalMetadata
Description: Not intended to be used directly. Use the subclasses instead.
Definition: Parent class for different types of skills and roles required for working tasks described in technical documentation.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#RangeSelector
Type of Term: Class
Label: Range selector
Sub Class Of: Selector
Definition: Points to a range in a physical resource. Has a start and end point.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Reference
Type of Term: Class
Label: Reference
Sub Class Of: TopicType
Description: Examples are parameter lists, tables with technical data, UI control overviews, and parts lists. Shall only be assigned to information units of type "Topic".
Definition: Class of topic types that contain information that supports users as they perform a task, meaning data that is looked up rather than memorized.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Rendition
Type of Term: Class
Label: Rendition
Sub Class Of: iirdsDomainEntitiy
Definition: Content of an information unit in a specific format


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Role
Type of Term: Class
Label: Role
Sub Class Of: Qualification
Description: Describes a set of connected behaviors, privileges and obligations associated with users (humans, software processes or devices) of a system
Definition: Docking point for custom roles for users of the technical system and the associated technical information


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Safety
Type of Term: Class
Label: Safety
Sub Class Of: InformationSubject


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Selector
Type of Term: Class
Label: Selector
Sub Class Of: iirdsDomainEntitiy
Description: ClassDescription
Definition: Pointer to a physical resource.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#SkillLevel
Type of Term: Class
Label: Skill level
Sub Class Of: Qualification
Description: Describe the levels of ability required to carry out a specific task described in the technical documentation.
Definition: Docking point for custom skill levels that the users of the technical system and the associated technical information require


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Supply
Type of Term: Class
Label: Supply
Sub Class Of: FunctionalMetadata
Description: Not intended to be used directly. Use the subclasses instead.
Definition: Parent class for different types of supplies required for working tasks described in technical documentation.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Task
Type of Term: Class
Label: Task
Sub Class Of: TopicType
Description: Tasks provide instructions and may contain information on other aspects, such as requirements that must be fulfilled or safety instructions.Shall only be assigned to information units of type "Topic".
Definition: Class of topic types that contains procedural information for work activities.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#TechnicalData
Type of Term: Class
Label: Technical data
Sub Class Of: InformationSubject


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#TechnicalOverview
Type of Term: Class
Label: Technical overview
Sub Class Of: InformationSubject


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Topic
Type of Term: Class
Label: Topic
Sub Class Of: InformationUnit
Description: The resource of a topic is a file in the iiRDS package.
Definition: A topic is a unit of information covering a single subject.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#TopicType
Type of Term: Class
Label: Topic type
Sub Class Of: InformationType
Description: Possible types include task, learning, and concept. InformationUnits that represent topics may have one or more has-topic-type properties that define the topic's information type. Topics without a has-topic-type property are generic topics, with no specific type.
Definition: Defines the information type of an iiRDS topic.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Troubleshooting
Type of Term: Class
Label: Troubleshooting
Sub Class Of: TopicType
Definition: Class of topic types. Troublesshooting content helps to eliminate a fault by means of appropriate remedial measures


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Use
Type of Term: Class
Label: Use
Sub Class Of: ProductLifeCyclePhase
Description: Not intended to be used directly. Use the subclasses instead. For life cycle phases not covered by the iiRDS standard subclasses, define custom subclasses.
Definition: Parent class for subclasses that describe product life cycle phases related to using a product or technical system


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#WorkingTime
Type of Term: Class
Label: Working time
Sub Class Of: PlanningTime
Definition: Type of planning time: Period of time that is required for a specific working task. Property Definitions


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#dateOfCreation
Type of Term: Property
Label: Date of Creation
Sub Property Of: http://purl.org/dc/terms/created
Sub Property Of: iirdsAttribute
Has Domain: InformationUnit
Has Range: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal
Definition: Date of creation of the information unit


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#description
Type of Term: Property
Label: Description
Sub Property Of: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description
Sub Property Of: iirdsAttribute
Has Domain: iirdsDomainEntitiy
Has Range: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal
Description: Typically a free-text acount of the resource
Definition: An account of the resource


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#duration
Type of Term: Property
Label: Duration
Sub Property Of: iirdsAttribute
Has Domain: PlanningTime
Has Range: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal
Definition: A span of time


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#format
Type of Term: Property
Label: Format
Sub Property Of: iirdsAttribute
Sub Property Of: http://purl.org/dc/terms/format
Has Domain: Rendition
Has Range: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal
Definition: Media type (MIME type) of the rendition


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#formatRestriction
Type of Term: Property
Label: Format Restriction
Sub Property Of: iirdsAttribute
Has Domain: InformationUnit
Has Range: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal
Description: Value "A" means that the package uses a restricted set of media formats ("iiRDS/A").
Definition: Restriction to the media formats used in the package


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#identifier
Type of Term: Property
Label: Identifier
Sub Property Of: http://purl.org/dc/terms/identifier
Sub Property Of: iirdsAttribute
Has Domain: InformationUnit
Has Range: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal
Description: Recommended best practice is to identify the resource by means of a string conforming to a formal identification system
Definition: An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#iirdsAttribute
Type of Term: Property
Label: iirdsAttribute
Has Range: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#iiRDSVersion
Type of Term: Property
Label: iiRDS version
Sub Property Of: iirdsAttribute
Has Domain: Package
Has Range: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal
Definition: iiRDS version, the iiRDS package is complying to


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#language
Type of Term: Property
Label: Language
Sub Property Of: http://purl.org/dc/terms/language
Sub Property Of: iirdsAttribute
Has Domain: InformationUnit
Has Range: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal
Description: Controlled vocabulary according to RFC 4646.
Definition: A language of the resource.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#rights
Type of Term: Property
Label: Rights
Sub Property Of: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/rights
Sub Property Of: iirdsAttribute
Has Domain: InformationUnit
Has Range: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal
Definition: Information about rights held in and over the resource


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#source
Type of Term: Property
Label: Source
Sub Property Of: iirdsAttribute
Has Domain: Rendition
Has Range: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal
Description: The path is relative to the root directory of the package, e.g., "content/overview.html"
Definition: Relative path to the file containing the content of a rendition


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#synonym
Type of Term: Property
Label: Synonym
Sub Property Of: iirdsAttribute
Has Domain: iirdsDomainEntitiy
Has Range: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#title
Type of Term: Property
Label: Title
Sub Property Of: http://purl.org/dc/terms/title
Sub Property Of: iirdsAttribute
Has Domain: InformationUnit
Has Range: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal
Description: Typically, a Title will be a name by which the information unit is formally known
Definition: A name given to the information unit Relations


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#applicable-for-document-type
Type of Term: Property
Label: applicable for document type
Sub Property Of: iirdsRelationConcept
Has Domain: InformationUnit
Has Range: DocumentType


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#has-abstract
Type of Term: Property
Label: has abstract
Sub Property Of: http://purl.org/dc/terms/abstract
Sub Property Of: iirdsRelationConcept
Has Domain: InformationUnit
Has Range: InformationUnit


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#has-author
Type of Term: Property
Label: has author
Sub Property Of: iirdsRelationConcept
Has Domain: InformationUnit
Has Range: http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#Kind
Definition: References an author of the informnation unit


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#has-component
Type of Term: Property
Label: has component
Sub Property Of: iirdsRelationConcept
Has Domain: Component
Has Range: Component
Definition: Relates to a component beloging to an other component


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#has-contributor
Type of Term: Property
Label: has contributor
Sub Property Of: iirdsRelationConcept
Has Domain: InformationUnit
Has Range: http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#Kind
Description: Organisations and persons are examples of contributors.
Definition: References a contributor of an information unit


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#has-directory-structure-type
Type of Term: Property
Label: has directory structure type
Sub Property Of: iirdsRelationConcept
Has Domain: DirectoryNode
Has Range: DirectoryNodeType
Definition: The nature of the directory


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#has-document-type
Type of Term: Property
Label: has document type
Sub Property Of: has-information-type
Has Domain: Document
Has Range: DocumentType
Description: Documents have one or more document types. Documents without document types are unspecific documents.
Definition: The type of a document.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#has-end-selector
Type of Term: Property
Label: has end selector
Sub Property Of: has-selector
Has Domain: RangeSelector
Has Range: FragmentSelector


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#has-event-code
Type of Term: Property
Label: has event code
Sub Property Of: iirdsRelationConcept
Has Domain: Event


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#has-event-type
Type of Term: Property
Label: has event type
Sub Property Of: iirdsRelationConcept
Has Domain: Event


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#has-first-child
Type of Term: Property
Label: has first child
Sub Property Of: iirdsRelationConcept
Has Domain: DirectoryNode
Has Range: DirectoryNode
Definition: References the first directory node on the next sub level


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#has-information-type
Type of Term: Property
Label: has information type
Sub Property Of: iirdsRelationConcept
Has Domain: InformationUnit
Has Range: InformationType
Description: Not intended to be used directly. Use has-document-type for documents and has-topic-type for topics.
Definition: The nature of an information unit.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#has-next-sibling
Type of Term: Property
Label: has next sibling
Sub Property Of: iirdsRelationConcept
Has Domain: DirectoryNode
Has Range: DirectoryNode
Definition: References the following directory node following at the same hierarchy level in a directory structure


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#has-rendition
Type of Term: Property
Label: has rendition
Sub Property Of: iirdsRelationConcept
Has Domain: InformationUnit
Has Range: Rendition
Definition: Relates to a rendition of an information unit


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#has-selector
Type of Term: Property
Label: has selector
Sub Property Of: iirdsRelationConcept
Has Domain: Rendition
Has Range: Selector


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#has-start-selector
Type of Term: Property
Label: has start selector
Sub Property Of: has-selector
Has Domain: RangeSelector
Has Range: FragmentSelector


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#has-subject
Type of Term: Property
Label: has subject
Sub Property Of: http://purl.org/dc/terms/subject
Sub Property Of: iirdsRelationConcept
Has Domain: InformationUnit
Has Range: InformationSubject
Definition: Reference the subject of an information unit


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#has-topic-type
Type of Term: Property
Label: has topic type
Sub Property Of: has-information-type
Has Domain: InformationUnit
Has Range: TopicType
Description: Not intended to be used directly. Use has-document-type for documents and has-topic-type for topics.
Definition: The nature of an information unit.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#has-version
Type of Term: Property
Label: has version
Sub Property Of: http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasVersion
Sub Property Of: iirdsRelationConcept
Has Domain: InformationUnit
Has Range: InformationUnit
Description: Relates an information unit to another resource. The other resource is another version of the information unit.
Definition: A related resource that is a version, edition, or adaptation of the described resource.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#iirdsRelationConcept
Type of Term: Property
Label: iirdsRelationConcept
Has Domain: iirdsDomainEntitiy
Has Range: iirdsDomainEntitiy


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#is-part-of-package
Type of Term: Property
Label: is part of package
Sub Property Of: iirdsRelationConcept
Has Domain: InformationUnit
Has Range: Package


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#is-version-of
Type of Term: Property
Label: is version of
Sub Property Of: http://purl.org/dc/terms/isVersionOf
Sub Property Of: iirdsRelationConcept
Has Domain: InformationUnit
Has Range: InformationUnit
Description: Relates an information unit to another resource. The information unit is another version of the resource.
Definition: A related resource of which the described resource is a version, edition, or adaptation.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#references-information-unit
Type of Term: Property
Label: references information unit
Sub Property Of: iirdsRelationConcept
Has Domain: DirectoryNode
Has Range: InformationUnit


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#relates-to
Type of Term: Property
Label: relates to
Sub Property Of: iirdsRelationConcept
Has Domain: InformationUnit
Has Range: DocumentationMetadata
Description: No intended to be used directly. Use the subclasses instead.
Definition: Relates an iiRDS entity to another one


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#relates-to-event
Type of Term: Property
Label: relates to event
Sub Property Of: relates-to
Has Domain: InformationUnit
Has Range: Event


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#relates-to-product-metadata
Type of Term: Property
Label: relates to product metadata
Sub Property Of: relates-to
Has Domain: InformationUnit
Has Range: ProductMetadata


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#replaces
Type of Term: Property
Label: replaces
Sub Property Of: http://purl.org/dc/terms/replaces
Sub Property Of: iirdsRelationConcept
Has Domain: InformationUnit
Has Range: InformationUnit


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#requires
Type of Term: Property
Label: requires
Sub Property Of: iirdsRelationConcept
Has Domain: InformationUnit
Has Range: FunctionalMetadata


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#requires-qualification
Type of Term: Property
Label: requires qualification
Sub Property Of: requires
Has Domain: InformationUnit
Has Range: Qualification


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#requires-supply
Type of Term: Property
Label: requires supply
Sub Property Of: requires
Has Domain: InformationUnit
Has Range: Supply


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#requires-time
Type of Term: Property
Label: requires time
Sub Property Of: requires
Has Domain: InformationUnit
Has Range: PlanningTime Object Definitions


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Acquisition
Type of Term: DesignAndRealization
Label: Acquisition
Definition: Life cycle phase of a product during which services, goods, or works are acquired from an external source.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#AdministratorGuide
Type of Term: DocumentType
Label: Administrator guide
Description: Shall only be assigned to information units of type "Document"
Definition: Type of document. Contains instructions for the administration of a technical system.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#ApplicableStandards
Type of Term: Conformity
Label: Applicable standard


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#AssemblyInstructions
Type of Term: DocumentType
Label: Assembly instructions
Description: Shall only be assigned to information units of type "Document"
Definition: Type of document. Contains instructions enabling the operator to assemble a physical product so that it fulfills its intended use and does not endanger the health and safety of persons.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#CEDeclarationOfConformity
Type of Term: DocumentType
Label: CE declaration of conformity
Description: Shall only be assigned to information units of type "Document"
Definition: Type of document. Created as a result of a procedure whereby the manufacture or authorized representative "ensures and declares" that the products concerned satisfy the requirements of the directives that apply to them.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Configuration
Type of Term: PuttingToUse
Label: Configuration
Definition: Life cycle phase of a product describing activities related to configuring the settings of a technical system before use.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#ContactInformation
Type of Term: Formality
Label: Contact information


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#DeclarationOfConformity
Type of Term: Conformity
Label: Declaration of conformity
Description: please review
Definition: Information subject. Declaration of conformity.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Decommissioning
Type of Term: Use
Label: Decommissioning
Definition: Life cycle phase of a product describing the shut-down and transfer into a safe state.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Design
Type of Term: DesignAndRealization
Label: Design


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Development
Type of Term: DesignAndRealization
Label: Development
Definition: Life cycle phase of a product progressing from detailed design to prototyping through pilot release to full product launch.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Diagnostics
Type of Term: Use
Label: Diagnostics
Definition: Life cycle phase of a product containing procedures for locating errors


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Disposal
Type of Term: AfterUse
Label: Disposal
Definition: Life cycle phase of a product describing the elimination of components, mounted parts and lubricant considering the country-specific current law.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#EmergencyOperation
Type of Term: Use
Label: Emergency operation
Definition: Product life cycle phase of a technical system in which the system's functionality is reduced to a minimum due to an error or emergency situation.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Fault
Type of Term: Use
Label: Fault
Definition: Product life cycle phase of a technical system in which the intended use and operation of a technical system or software is interrupted due to an error or malfunction.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#ForeseeableMisuse
Type of Term: Safety
Label: Foreseeable misuse


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#GenericAfterUse
Type of Term: AfterUse
Label: After use


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#GenericCollection
Type of Term: Collection
Label: Collection
Description: please review
Definition: Information subject. Collection of unspecific information items, usually gathered from different parts of an information unit.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#GenericConcept
Type of Term: Concept
Label: Concept
Description: Conceptual information helps users to map their existing knowledge to tasks and other essential information about a product or system.Shall only be assigned to information units of type "Topic".
Definition: Topic type that provides background that helps readers understand essential information about a product, interface, or task.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#GenericConformity
Type of Term: Conformity
Label: Conformity


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#GenericDesignAndRealization
Type of Term: DesignAndRealization
Label: Design and realization


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#GenericDownTime
Type of Term: DownTime
Label: Down time


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#GenericEvent
Type of Term: Event
Label: Event


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#GenericForm
Type of Term: Form
Label: Form


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#GenericFormality
Type of Term: Formality
Label: Formality


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#GenericFunctionality
Type of Term: Functionality
Label: Functionality


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#GenericLearning
Type of Term: Learning
Label: Learning
Description: Learning content may comprise learning plans, learning objectives, learning content details, summaries, and assessments.Shall only be assigned to information units of type "Topic".
Definition: Topic type that provides learning content.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#GenericMaintenanceInterval
Type of Term: MaintenanceInterval
Label: Maintenance interval


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#GenericPlanningTime
Type of Term: PlanningTime
Label: Planning time


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#GenericProcess
Type of Term: Process
Label: Process


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#GenericProductFeature
Type of Term: ProductFeature
Label: Product feature


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#GenericPuttingToUse
Type of Term: PuttingToUse
Label: Putting to use


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#GenericReference
Type of Term: Reference
Label: Reference
Description: Examples are parameter lists, tables with technical data, UI control overviews, and parts lists. Shall only be assigned to information units of type "Topic".
Definition: Topic type that contains information that supports users as they perform a task, meaning data that is looked up rather than memorized.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#GenericRole
Type of Term: Role
Label: Role


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#GenericSafety
Type of Term: Safety
Label: Safety


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#GenericSkillLevel
Type of Term: SkillLevel
Label: Skill level


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#GenericSupply
Type of Term: Supply
Label: Generic supply


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#GenericTask
Type of Term: Task
Label: Task
Description: Tasks provide instructions and may contain information on other aspects, such as requirements that must be fulfilled or safety instructions.Shall only be assigned to information units of type "Topic".
Definition: Topic type that contains procedural information for work activities.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#GenericTechnicalData
Type of Term: TechnicalData
Label: Technical data


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#GenericTechnicalOverview
Type of Term: TechnicalOverview
Label: Technical overview


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#GenericTroubleshooting
Type of Term: Troubleshooting
Label: Troubleshooting
Definition: Eliminate a fault by means of appropriate remedial measures


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#GenericUse
Type of Term: Use
Label: Use


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#GenericWorkingTime
Type of Term: WorkingTime
Label: Generic working time


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Index
Type of Term: DirectoryNodeType
Label: Index
Definition: Index directory type


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Installation
Type of Term: PuttingToUse
Label: Installation
Definition: Life cycle phase of a product containing procedures for installing and setting up a software or IT system.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#InstallationGuide
Type of Term: DocumentType
Label: Installation instructions
Description: For physical products: instructions enabling the operator to assemble and electrically connect a physical product so that it fulfills its intended use and does not endanger the health and safety of persons. For IT products: Instructions enabling the administrator to set up and potentially configure a program or new version on a computer so that does not endanger data security. Shall only be assigned to information units of type "Document".
Definition: Type of document. Contains instructions enabling the operator or administrator to assemble or install a physical product or software so that it fulfills its intended use.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#IntendedUse
Type of Term: Safety
Label: Intended use
Definition: Information subject: Legal concept outlining the field of application specified in matters of design and construction of the machinery which is described in the operating instructions/technical documentation, including considerations of the reasonable foreseeable use and potential misapplication


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#LegalInformation
Type of Term: Formality
Label: Legal information


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#LicenceTerm
Type of Term: Formality
Label: License terms


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#ListOfFigures
Type of Term: DirectoryNodeType
Label: List of figures
Synonym: LOF
Definition: List of figures


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#ListOfListings
Type of Term: DirectoryNodeType
Label: List of Listings
Synonym: LOL
Definition: Code listing directory type


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#ListOfTables
Type of Term: DirectoryNodeType
Label: List of tables
Synonym: LOT
Definition: List of tables


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Maintenance
Type of Term: Use
Label: Maintenance
Definition: Life cycle phase of a product that describes activities for moving or conveying the product from one place to another.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#MaintenanceInstructions
Type of Term: DocumentType
Label: Maintenance instructions
Description: Shall only be assigned to information units of type "Document"
Definition: Type of document. Contains instructions for retaining or restoring a piece of equipment, machine, or system to the specified operable condition.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#ManufacturerInformation
Type of Term: Formality
Label: Manufacturer information


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#OperatingElement
Type of Term: TechnicalOverview
Label: Control element


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#OperatingInstructions
Type of Term: DocumentType
Label: Operating instructions
Description: The instructions in this document type shall enable the user to operate a device, machine, or software considering the reference use as well as the safety and health regulations for the product. Shall only be assigned to information units of type "Document".
Definition: Type of document. Contains instructions for operation and use of a technical system.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Operation
Type of Term: Use
Label: Operation
Definition: Life cycle phase of a product in which a technical product or system is actively used and operated.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#PartsCatalog
Type of Term: DocumentType
Label: Parts catalog
Definition: Type of document. Contains listings of product names and their part numbers and graphics which are necessary for the aftersales service, but do not include prices or availabilities.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#ProductIdentification
Type of Term: Formality
Label: Product identification


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Production
Type of Term: DesignAndRealization
Label: Production


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#ProductName
Type of Term: Formality
Label: Product name


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#QuickGuide
Type of Term: DocumentType
Label: Quick reference guide
Description: Shall only be assigned to information units of type "Document"
Definition: Type of document. Describes a short document that contains selected instructions for a specific user group or purpose.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Repair
Type of Term: Use
Label: Repair
Definition: Life cycle phase of a product that describes activities for restoring the product to a working and sound condition after damage or wear and tear.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#RepairInstructions
Type of Term: DocumentType
Label: Repair instructions
Description: The instructions in this document type shall enable the user to repair a device, machine, or system considering the reference use as well as the safety and health regulations for the product. Shall only be assigned to information units of type "Document"
Definition: Type of document. Contains instructions for restoring a product to a working condition.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#RequirementsAnalysis
Type of Term: DesignAndRealization
Label: Requirement analysis


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#RestrictionOnUse
Type of Term: Safety
Label: Restriction on use


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#RiskAssessment
Type of Term: Conformity
Label: Risk assessment
Description: please review
Definition: Information subject. Risk assessment.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#SafetyInstruction
Type of Term: Safety
Label: Safety instruction


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#SalesCatalog
Type of Term: DocumentType
Label: Sales catalog
Description: Shall only be assigned to information units of type "Document"
Definition: Type of document. Contains listings of available products of a producing company with consumers as the target group.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#ScopeOfDelivery
Type of Term: Formality
Label: Scope of delivery


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Specification
Type of Term: DocumentType
Label: Specification
Description: Shall only be assigned to information units of type "Document"
Definition: Type of document. Contains requirements and/or statements describing properties and qualities of a product to be built or manufactured.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#Symbol
Type of Term: TechnicalOverview
Label: Symbol


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#TableOfContents
Type of Term: DirectoryNodeType
Label: Table of Contents
Synonym: TOC
Definition: Table of contents


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#TechnicalReport
Type of Term: Conformity
Label: Technical report
Description: please review
Definition: Information subject. Technical report.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#TransportInstructions
Type of Term: DocumentType
Label: Transport instructions
Description: Shall only be assigned to information units of type "Document"
Definition: Type of document. Contains instructions for transporting the product or its components from one place to another.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds#WarningNotice
Type of Term: Safety
Label: Warning notice

4.6.2 Machinery Domain Class Definitions (Machinery)


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#ConsumableSupply
Type of Term: Class
Label: Consumable supply
Sub Class Of: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity
Sub Class Of: Supply
Description: Consumable supplies may be referenced in the description of working tasks in technical documentation.
Definition: Type of supply: Goods or material that is consumed, meaning dissipated or spent, in the life cycle of a technical system. Examples are batteries, sanding discs, and magnets.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#HardwareTool
Type of Term: Class
Label: Hardware tool
Sub Class Of: Supply
Description: Hardware tools may be referenced in the description of working tasks in technical documentation.
Definition: Type of supply: A device or implement, used to carry out a particular function or a working task


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#iirdsMachineryDomainEntity
Type of Term: Class
Label: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity
Sub Class Of: iirdsDomainEntitiy


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#Lubricant
Type of Term: Class
Label: Lubricant
Sub Class Of: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity
Sub Class Of: Supply
Description: Lubricants may be referenced in the description of working tasks in technical documentation.
Definition: Type of supply: Lubricant, meaning a substance used for lubricating an engine or component, such as oil or grease.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#OperatingSupply
Type of Term: Class
Label: Operating supply
Sub Class Of: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity
Sub Class Of: Supply
Description: Operating supplies may be referenced in the description of working tasks in technical documentation.
Definition: Type of supply: Physical items required for the running of a manufacturing production or service facility.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#SetupTime
Type of Term: Class
Label: Planning time
Sub Class Of: PlanningTime
Sub Class Of: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity
Definition: Type of planning time: Period of time required to prepare a technical system for it to be ready to function or accept a job.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#SparePart
Type of Term: Class
Label: Spare part
Sub Class Of: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity
Sub Class Of: Supply
Description: Spare parts may be referenced in the description of working tasks in technical documentation.
Definition: Type of supply: A spare part is an interchangeable part that is kept in an inventory and used for the repair or replacement of failed units of a technical system. Object Definitions (Machinery)


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#Assembly
Type of Term: PuttingToUse
Label: Assembly
Type: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity
Definition: Life cycle phase of a product in which the product or its components are assembled for use.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#CircuitDiagram
Type of Term: TechnicalOverview
Label: Circuit diagram
Type: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#Cleaning
Type of Term: Use
Label: Cleaning
Type: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity
Definition: Product life cycle phase of a technical system in which unwanted substances, such as dirt, are removed from the system.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#CloseDown
Type of Term: AfterUse
Label: Close down
Type: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity
Definition: Life cycle phase of a product in which a plant, technical system, or facility is shut down permanently.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#Commissioning
Type of Term: Use
Label: Commissioning
Type: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity
Definition: Product life cycle phase containing activities related to transferring a product into active use and instructing personnel on the use. Activities include final inspection tests and handover of documentation, among others (DIN EN 82079-1)


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#Construction
Type of Term: DesignAndRealization
Label: Construction
Type: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#Disassembly
Type of Term: AfterUse
Label: Disassembly
Type: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#FlowDiagram
Type of Term: TechnicalOverview
Label: Flow diagram
Description: Schaltplan: in der (Elektro)Technik gebräuchliche Art der Darstellung für eine elektrische Schaltung. Stromlaufplan wird wohl auch synonym verwendet.
Type: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#GenericConsumableSupply
Type of Term: ConsumableSupply
Label: Consumable supply
Description: Consumable supplies may be referenced in the description of working tasks in technical documentation.
Type: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity
Definition: Type of supply: Goods or material that is consumed, meaning dissipated or spent, in the life cycle of a technical system. Examples are batteries, sanding discs, and magnets.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#GenericHardwareTool
Type of Term: HardwareTool
Label: Hardware tool
Description: Hardware tools may be referenced in the description of working tasks in technical documentation.
Type: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity
Definition: Type of supply: A device or implement, used to carry out a particular function or a working task


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#GenericLubricant
Type of Term: Lubricant
Label: Lubricant
Description: Lubricants may be referenced in the description of working tasks in technical documentation.
Type: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity
Definition: A lubricant, meaning a substance used for lubricating an engine or component, such as oil or grease.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#GenericOperatingSupply
Type of Term: OperatingSupply
Label: Operating supply
Description: Operating supplies may be referenced in the description of working tasks in technical documentation.
Type: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity
Definition: A physical item required for the running of a manufacturing production or service facility.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#GenericSetupTime
Type of Term: SetupTime
Label: Set-up duration
Type: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#GenericSparePart
Type of Term: SparePart
Label: Spare part
Description: Spare parts may be referenced in the description of working tasks in technical documentation.
Type: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity
Definition: A spare part is an interchangeable part that is kept in an inventory and used for the repair or replacement of failed units of a technical system.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#InstallationError
Type of Term: Safety
Label: Installation error
Type: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#Layout
Type of Term: TechnicalOverview
Label: Layout
Type: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#ListOfLubricants
Type of Term: Collection
Label: List of lubricants
Description: please review
Type: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity
Definition: Information subject. Collection of lubricants, usually gathered from different parts of an information unit.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#ListOfOperatingSupplies
Type of Term: Collection
Label: List of operating supplies
Description: please review
Type: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity
Definition: Collection of operating supplies, usually gathered from different parts of an information unit.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#ListOfSpareParts
Type of Term: Collection
Label: List of spare parts
Description: please review
Type: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity
Definition: Information subject. Collection of spare parts.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#ListOfTools
Type of Term: Collection
Label: List of tools
Description: please review
Type: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity
Definition: Information subject. Collection of tools.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#LubricationPlan
Type of Term: Collection
Label: Lubrication plan
Description: Please review
Type: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity
Definition: Information subject. Lubrication plan.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#MaintenancePlan
Type of Term: Collection
Label: Maintenance plan
Type: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity
Definition: Maintenance plan


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#Modification
Type of Term: Use
Label: Modification
Type: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#PartsList
Type of Term: Collection
Label: List of parts
Definition: Information subject. Collection of parts.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#Reuse
Type of Term: AfterUse
Label: Recycling
Description: Means re-use of materials, not of information --> recycling instead of reuse
Type: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#SafetyEquipment
Type of Term: Safety
Label: Safety equipment
Type: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#SafetyMeasure
Type of Term: Safety
Label: Safety measure
Type: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#Storage
Type of Term: AfterUse
Label: Storage
Type: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity
Definition: Life cycle phase of a product that describes the process of keeping physical products available or in an adequate environment in order to tide over the time between arrival and use.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/machinery#Transport
Type of Term: PuttingToUse
Label: Transport
Type: iirdsMachineryDomainEntity
Definition: Life cycle phase of a product containing activities for transporting a technical system or its components from one location to the other.

4.6.3 Software Domain Class Definitions (Software)


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/software#iirdsSoftwareDomainEntity
Type of Term: Class
Label: iirdsSoftwareDomainEntity
Sub Class Of: iirdsDomainEntitiy
Definition: Entity of the software domain Object Definitions (Software)


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/software#Administration
Type of Term: Use
Label: Administration
Type: iirdsSoftwareDomainEntity
Definition: Life cycle phase of a product containing activities related to managing, updating, and configuring software products and IT systems.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/software#Architecture
Type of Term: TechnicalOverview
Label: Architecture
Type: iirdsSoftwareDomainEntity
Definition: Conceptional structure of a product or component


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/software#Customization
Type of Term: Use
Label: Customization
Type: iirdsSoftwareDomainEntity
Definition: Life cycle phase of a product containing activities relating to reworking a standard product (device or even software) to the special requirements of individual customers.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/software#Deinstallation
Type of Term: AfterUse
Label: Deinstallation
Type: iirdsSoftwareDomainEntity


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/software#Deployment
Type of Term: PuttingToUse
Label: Deployment
Type: iirdsSoftwareDomainEntity
Definition: Life cycle phase of a product describing activities related to making a software system available for use.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/software#Integration
Type of Term: PuttingToUse
Label: Integration
Type: iirdsSoftwareDomainEntity
Definition: Life cycle phase of a product containing procedures for integrating a software or IT system with other software products or systems.


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/software#Interface
Type of Term: TechnicalOverview
Label: Interface
Type: iirdsSoftwareDomainEntity


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/software#SystemRequirement
Type of Term: TechnicalData
Label: System requirement
Type: iirdsSoftwareDomainEntity


Term Description
URI: http://iirds.tekom.de/iirds/domain/software#Update
Type of Term: Use
Label: Update
Type: iirdsSoftwareDomainEntity

5. Content formats in iiRDS

5.1 Content in iiRDS

Depending on the perspective, iiRDS appears to be created for structured modular content. However, the provision of monolithic documents, such as PDF files, can also be significantly improved by iiRDS.

Due to the many source formats in technical communication and the wealth of existing content, it is simply not possible to modularize all content using a unique XML schema. An exchange and delivery standard such as iiRDS, therefore, must cope with a variety of formats and different levels of granularity. From classic PDF files to 3D animations and highly structured XML topics, everything is conceivable. Attempts to further structure this continuum by discrete levels are not successful because the content format is not a clear indication of the structure or the granularity of the information. Therefore, it is not appropriate to specify a universal, structured, modular content format for the delivery of intelligent information. But that is not necessary, either. The intelligent part (i.e. contextualization) of iiRDS is not achieved by structured content but by metadata.

On one hand, iiRDS should make it possible to exchange all kinds of file formats based on common metadata. This flexibility is needed to serve any kind of content in real-world scenarios. On the other hand, a format like iiRDS is intended to enable providers of target systems not only to request and receive information but also to ensure processing of incoming packages. If any format is allowed, the target system cannot assure processing. In scenarios where an operator of a machine park must aggregate packages of different origin, this becomes a no-go. In addition, since documentation often is legally relevant, the question of reliable long-term archiving of iiRDS packages arises.

To meet these requirements iiRDS packages can either contain any kind of content or only content according to some well-defined formats. The latter are called iiRDS/A packages. Content formats in iiRDS/A are predefined. They allow for scenarios where creator and consumer of iiRDS packages are not able to define specific content formats for their use case. This, for example, is a requirement in generic archiving but also in open scenarios where packages from previously unknown sources are combined. In addition to the format restriction, an iiRDS/A package is self-contained.

iiRDS/A is intended to support the goal of transferring a wide variety of formats to the user in anonymous or open scenarios in a processible manner. Scenarios that cannot be mapped within the restrictions of iiRDS/A should use the unrestricted iiRDS.

5.2 Unrestricted iiRDS vs. iiRDS/A

An iiRDS package can include any kind of content files. Type and purpose of the content file are described by the iiRDS metadata.

If necessary, iiRDS Generators may restrict the set of formats for content files. This restricted set of formats is called iiRDS/A. The use of metadata is the same for the restricted and the unrestricted set of content formats.

An iiRDS-package is called iiRDS/A package if

Example 20: Usage of the formatRestriction property

5.3 Self-contained iiRDS/A-packages

An iiRDS-package is self-contained if all URIs used in the RDF file and in the iiRDS XHTML5 files reference to local resources contained in the package except for the following cross-reference mechanisms:

attribute href
references attribute id on element a
references attribute id on element area
references attribute id on element link
attribute cite
references attribute id on element q

Processing instances can omit these cross-references, e.g. if there is no internet access available, and the content must be still consumable.

6. iiRDS/A Media Formats

This section defines a capped set of media formats for use in the context of iiRDS/A packages. Please note that in unrestricted iiRDS packages it is possible to use any kind of format.

6.1 Text formats


Structured textual content shall be encoded using iiRDS XHTML5. The file extension shall be .xhtml.


Structured textual content may be encoded using PDF/A-3 (ISO 19005-3:2012). Non-structured textual content must be encoded this way. The file extension must be .pdf.

6.2 Graphics formats

6.2.1 Raster formats

The selection is based on the assumption that on devices capable of displaying PDF/A documents browsers should be available that can display common raster graphics formats.


Raster graphics must be encoded using

  • PNG 1.2 (ISO/IEC 15948:2003) or higher using the file extension .png.


  • JPEG (ISO/IEC 10918-1:1994) or higher using the file extension .jpg.

6.2.2 Vector formats

Vector formats are inherently difficult because modern formats offer much more than just encoding vector graphics. Therefore, the definition must restrict formats to the sole purpose of encoding vector graphics.


Vector graphics must be encoded using restricted SVG 1.1 (W3C Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 (Second Edition) 2011). The file extension must be .svg for non-compressed files and .svgz for gzip-compressed files.

The following restrictions are imposed on the SVG format:

  • Only static language features of SVG that correspond to the feature string http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#SVG-static are allowed.
  • All linked resources (e.g. CSS, graphics, fonts) must be included in the iiRDS/A-package.
  • Only JPG and PNG graphics according to this section are allowed.
  • Reference in iiRDS XHTML5 only via <img src="[filename]"/>.

6.3 Video formats

Though there is substantial doubt on the reliance of support for common video formats across a wide range of devices, we consciously select a format for the context of iiRDS/A packages. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML5_video#Browser_support for an overview of the shattered support for popular video formats.

MP4 (AVC/H.264)

Video content must be encoded using MP4 (ISO/IEC 14496-12 and -14) as container format and MPEG-4 Part 10 (AVC/H.264), MPEG-4 Part 3 as codecs. The file extension must be .mp4.

6.4 Audio formats

Similar to video formats the support for audio formats is not as stable as for graphics formats. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML5_Audio#Supported_audio_coding_formats for an overview of the shattered support for popular audio formats.


Audio content must be encoded using MP3 (ISO/IEC 11172-3, ISO/IEC 13818-3). The file extension must be .mp3.

7. iiRDS XHTML5 Format

7.1 Overview

iiRDS XHTML5 is a profile of HTML5 for use in the context of iiRDS/A packages.

The scope of iiRDS XHTML5 is to provide an easy to generate content transport and exchange format. Existing standard formats for technical documentation (e.g. S1000D) are focussed on authoring and managing variant rich documentation. Especially there is no loss-less transformation between these formats. We do not expect authors to create iiRDS XHTML5 content manually.

Semantic information must be encoded in RDF files accompanying the iiRDS XHTML5. The use of RDFa is postponed to a later version of the iiRDS standard.

iiRDS XHTML5 is not meant as a presentation format, though a typical iiRDS XHTML5 file can be displayed by an HTML5 capable browser without additional effort. However, for state of the art visualization and navigation the content delivery must provide additional transformations or stylesheets. Since the purpose of iiRDS is the aggregation of content and harmonized access to content from different sources, this is a conscious decision.

Consequently, HTML5 elements that control navigation, display, interactivity, etc. are omitted from the iiRDS XHTML5 definition. Examples of omitted elements are <script>, <nav>, and <iframe>.

The XHTML document type defined by this specification is based on XHTML5. For details on HTML5 vs. XHTML5 see https://www.w3.org/TR/2014/REC-html5-20141028/introduction.html#html-vs-xhtml. Thus iiRDS XHTML5 inherits all definitions of semantics, structure and processing behaviors from the HTML5 specification unless otherwise specified. A similar approach to define a subset of HTML5 for a specific purpose is for example HTMLBook. See https://oreillymedia.github.io/HTMLBook/ for details.

As such, iiRDS XHTML5 can be characterized in the following ways:

Unfortunately, so far there is no official XML schema for HTML5. See https://www.w3.org/TR/2014/REC-html5-20141028/the-xhtml-syntax.html#parsing-xhtml-documents for details. So there is no official XML schema for iiRDS XHTML5 so far.

7.2 Terminology


HTML5 is a W3C recommendation from 2014. See https://www.w3.org/TR/2014/REC-html5-20141028/ for details.


XHTML5 is the XML-serialized variant of HTML5 described in the HTML5 specification. See https://www.w3.org/TR/2014/REC-html5-20141028/the-xhtml-syntax.html#the-xhtml-syntax for details.

7.3 iiRDS XHTML5

This section defines a profile of [HTML5] for creating iiRDS XHTML5 content. An instance of an XML document that conforms to this profile is referred to as an iiRDS XHTML content in this specification and its sibling specifications.

Unless otherwise specified, this specification inherits all definitions of semantics, structure and processing behaviors from the [HTML5] specification.

Only elements mentioned in this specification are part of iiRDS XHTML5.

If no content model or attribute requirements are specified explicitly, iiRDS XHTML5 adopts the corresponding requirements in the [HTML5] specification.

7.4 Conformance criteria

An iiRDS XHTML5 content shall meet each of the following criteria:

7.5 Global attributes

Global attributes are attributes common to all HTML elements. They can be applied to all elements, though these attributes may not have any effect on some elements.

Only the following subset of "Global attributes" from the HTML5 specification (https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/dom.html#global-attributes) is allowed in iiRDS XHTML5 elements:

As described elsewhere in the iiRDS XHTML5 specification, the global-attribute data-role is only allowed for some specific elements.

Editor's note

The HTML5 specification for the attribute 'class' points out that “authors are encouraged to use values that describe the nature of the content, rather than values that describe the desired presentation of the content.”. In contrast, class in iiRDS XHTML5 is solely meant for facilitating optional styling. An iiRDS XHTML5 consumer must be able to ignore or modify class values without loss of meaning.

7.6 Elements

The following sections list the complete set of HTML5 elements availabe in iiRDS XHTML5. The element names are each linked to the HTML5 recommendation.

Attributes: Please note that only global attributes and element-specific attributes specified in the iiRDS XHTML5 specification are allowed.

7.6.1 Main root


7.6.2 Document metadata

<head> , <title> , <link>

The element <link> is only allowed if used with the content attribute rel="stylesheet". Link types are always ASCII case-insensitive and must be compared as such. Relations usually represented by the element <link> in HTML shall be expressed by means of RDF in iiRDS.

7.6.3 Sections

<body>, <h1–h6> , <section>

7.6.4 Grouping content

<dd> , <div> , <dl> , <dt> , <figcaption> , <figure> , <li> , <ol> , <p> , <pre> , <ul>

Element-specific content attributes

Element Attribute
li (only inside ol) value
ol reversed
ol start
ol type

7.6.5 Text-level semantics

<a> , <abbr> , <b> , <bdi> , <bdo> , <br> , <code> , <em> , <i> , <kbd> , <q> , <s> , <samp> , <small> , <span> , <strong> , <sub>, <sup> , <u> , <wbr>

Element-specific content attributes

Element Attribute
a href
q cite

7.6.6 Embedded content

<area> , <audio> , <img> , <map> , <source> , <track> , <video>

Element-specific content attributes

Element Attribute
area alt
area coords
area href
area shape
audio, img, video autoplay (not img)
audio, img, video alt (only img)
audio, img, video controls (not img)
audio, img, video height (not audio)
audio, img, video loop (not img)
audio, img, video mediagroup (not img)
audio, img, video muted(not img)
audio, img, video poster (only video)
audio, img, video preload (not img)
audio, img, video src (img), src (audio,video)
audio, img, video usemap (only img)
audio, img, video width (not audio)
map name
source src
track default
track kind
track label
track src
track srclang

7.6.7 Scripting

Scripting is not available in iiRDS XHTML5.

7.6.8 Edits

Representations of edits are not available in iiRDS XHTML5.

7.6.9 Tabular data

<caption> , <col> , <colgroup> , <table> , <tbody> , <td> , <tfoot> , <th> , <thead> , <tr>

Element-specific content attributes

Element Attribute
col span
colgroup span
table border
td,th colspan
td,th headers
td,th rowspan
th scope
th abbr

7.6.10 Forms

Forms are not available in iiRDS XHTML5.

7.6.11 SVG, MathML and IFrames

Elements <svg>, <math> and <iframe> must not be part of an iiRDS XHTML5 content.

7.7 Additional semantic tagging of content

iiRDS uses the attribute data-role on HTML5 elements to tag semantics of elements in some specific situations. The major objective is to allow a consuming iiRDS application to render information correctly on a display device.

Currently, tagging is only applicable for hazard statements. They have a predefined structure that cannot be reflected by the HTML5 element structure sufficiently. A hazard statement consists of a safety alert symbol, a signal word, a message panel, and a symbol panel.

The data-role attribute shall be used only in the situations described here. The attribute values are restricted.

Content attributes specific to hazard statements

data-role Value(s) Element Usage
caution, warning, danger, notice div Tags a div element to contain a hazard statement with the severity identified by the integer value.
signalword-panel div Tags a signal word panel of a hazard statement.
safety-alert-symbol img Tags a safety alert symbol of a hazard statement. The img element shall be a child of the signal word panel. Only one safety alert symbol shall be provided.
signalword p Tags the signal word in the signal word panel of a hazard statement.
symbol-panel div Tags a panel that contains additional hazard symbols.
message-panel img Tags the message panel within a hazard statement.
Example 21: Tagging
<div data-role="caution">
    <div data-role="signalword-panel">
        <img data-role="safety-alert-symbol" src="..."></img>
        <p data-role="signalword">Caution</p>
    <div data-role="symbol-panel">
        <img src="..."></img>
    <div data-role="message-panel">

An iiRDS creating application shall always provide the applicable safety alert symbol and signal word. It is not intended that the consuming application renders a safety alert symbol or a signal word other than the provided one.

7.8 Styling

iiRDS XHTML5 is designed as an exchange format for structured content. Though the content can be displayed directly in HTML5 browsers, iiRDS5 XHTML5 content is not meant to include a single authorative presentation. iiRDS XHTML5 content should be pre-processed before being displayed.

An optional CSS stylesheet can be provided, but processing of the content must not rely on the stylesheet. It is not specified how to mesh up accompanying CSS stylesheets and target system CSS stylesheets.

A. References

A.1 Normative references

The Unicode Standard. Unicode Consortium. URL: https://www.unicode.org/versions/latest/
.ZIP File Format Specification. 1 September 2012. Final. URL: https://www.pkware.com/documents/casestudies/APPNOTE.TXT
RDF 1.1 XML Syntax. Dave Beckett. W3C. 25 February 2014. W3C Recommendation. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-syntax-grammar/

A.2 Informative references

Automation ML. AutomationML e.V. URL: https://www.automationml.org
HTML5. Ian Hickson; Robin Berjon; Steve Faulkner; Travis Leithead; Erika Doyle Navara; Theresa O'Connor; Silvia Pfeiffer. W3C. 28 October 2014. W3C Recommendation. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/
OPC Unified Architecture. OPC Foundation. URL: https://opcfoundation.org/
DIN SPEC 91345 Referenzarchitekturmodell Industrie 4.0 (RAMI4.0). DIN. URL: http://www.plattform-i40.de/I40/Redaktion/EN/Downloads/Publikation/rami40-an-introduction.html